Sustainable Organic Fertilizer Market Development Program for Cocoa Farmers Group

Since October 2021, Yayasan Rumah Energi (YRE), supported by Mondelez International Cocoa Life, has initiated a new program in Lampung. The program called the Sustainable Cacao Farmers and Organic Fertilizer Market Program (SCORE Program), seeks to incubate business through the development of a Sustainable Organic Fertilizer Market for Cocoa Farmers Groups in the Pesawaran and Pringsewu Regencies, Lampung. The target of this program is to strengthen the supply chain and value of the compost business, develop a supporting ecosystem for the composting market, and strengthen the entrepreneurial capacity of farmer groups to develop a sustainable composting business.
This program targets farmer groups that are registered as Cocoa Life’s mentors. They will be assisted intensively for two years to be able to develop a sustainable organic fertilizer business and market. The resilience of cocoa farmers is targeted to be built from the creation of markets and composting businesses, especially bio-slurry. Program implementation that has been carried out includes survey activities and introductions to prospective assisted farmer groups, socialization on the introduction of the SCORE program and assessment of the needs of potential beneficiaries, as well as training on composting technical refresher and bio-slurry introduction.
In addition, a series of entrepreneurship workshops were also held with participants consisting of farmer groups from Pesawaran and Pringsewu Regencies. Through the workshop activities, it is hoped that it will provide a re-understanding regarding entrepreneurship and business development initiatives, as well as motivate cocoa farmer groups who do not yet have a business to start their own business, especially regarding the composting business. In addition, in the series of workshops material related to business idea validation, business model canvas, and business planning was also presented.
Written by: Fauzan Ramadhan
Edited by: Fauzan Ramadhan