Sharing Insights and Experiences through Renewable Energy Workshops

West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) – A workshop on renewable energy was held on Thursday (30/03) at Hotel Santika, Mataram, NTB. This workshop aims to provide beneficiaries with insight into renewable energy, as well as presentations on renewable energy policies that apply in the Province of NTB. In its implementation, this workshop is the first step to introduce the use of renewable energy consisting of biogas and Solar PV in the Pro Women for Renewable Energy program implemented by Yayasan Rumah Energi (YRE) with support from the Ford Foundation and the Ministry of Home Affairs.
Energy is so closely related to everyday life that it does not make the people in the three beneficiary villages of the Pro Women for Renewable Energy project aware and aware of what energy is, especially women who do their daily activities using energy. From the data obtained during the baseline survey, 65% of beneficiaries in the village did not know anything about renewable energy. In addition to the community, OPD circles also need to share knowledge and perceptions regarding policies related to renewable energy in Indonesia, especially NTB.
“Through women, products produced in the village will be environmentally friendly with processes that use renewable energy.” Said Ir. Yuliadi Ismono, M. Si, ESDM Province Daily Executive (PLH).
This renewable energy workshop was held to provide insight to beneficiaries regarding renewable energy, by bringing together all beneficiaries from the NTB Province Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD), Central Lombok Regency, village communities, and also young people. Starting from the public’s ignorance of renewable energy, this workshop proved that the community has a great enthusiasm for utilizing renewable energy. If previously 65% of beneficiaries in the village did not know what renewable energy was, through outreach and evaluation at the workshop, 94% of beneficiaries from the village community were interested in utilizing renewable energy.
Referring to the statement of dr. Nurhandini Eka Dewi, Sp. A., MPH as Assistant for the Economy and Development of NTB Province, stated that NTB has an achievement target for the use of renewable energy of 60% in 2030, and a target of 100% use of renewable energy in 2040. With these targets, it is hoped that in 2050 NTB will achieve its Net Zero Emission target.
“NTB has a target of achieving 60% renewable energy use in 2030 and 100% in 2040. So that by 2050, NTB will achieve Net Zero Emissions.” said dr. Nurhandini.
Meanwhile, Project Manager for Pro Women for Renewable Energy Krisna Wijaya revealed that in the household it is women who do a lot of activities with needs related to energy. Women are also the most efficient decision-makers in daily energy use. Therefore, it becomes very important to involve women in facing challenges for the energy transition.
“Without realizing it, women do a lot of activities with needs related to energy and are the most efficient decision makers in the use of energy in the household. So that from these problems a joint effort is needed in facing challenges related to the energy transition.” Said Krisna.
In addition to the participants attending in person, this workshop was also held in a hybrid manner to facilitate participants and resource persons who are outside NTB. One of the workshop sessions involved participants interactively through the slide feature, to measure their knowledge and interest in renewable energy. This workshop broadly discussed the program implementation plans, regulations that became the legal basis and shared experiences from beneficiaries as users of renewable energy.
“Using a solar dryer dome is very beneficial because it only requires a little effort and time, but the taste and quality of coffee and other products are much better.” Said Mrs. Hakiyah, renewable energy user.
The utilization of renewable energy is expected to be carried out based on a shared commitment. In addition, it is hoped that renewable energy will later be utilized by the wider community accompanied by easy access and financing from interested parties so that the use of renewable energy can have a positive impact on society.