Training for Financial and Business Literacy Trainers for Dairy Farmers

Pelatihan untuk Pelatih Literasi Keuangan dan Bisnis Peternak Sapi Perah

Based on the results of the Rumah Energi Foundation (YRE) rapid assessment of several cooperatives, problems were found related to the limited capacity of cooperatives in assisting business and financial management at the farmer level. Apart from that, breeders also experience the same problem, namely limited knowledge and capacity in managing business and finances. On that basis, to provide capacity building for cooperatives and breeders, it is necessary to carry out a series of training, counseling, and mentoring activities regarding aspects of human resource management. 

YRE, through the Local Milk Sourcing (LMS) program, organizes Training of Trainers (ToT) in Financial and Business Management for Farmers. The ToT activity was conducted on 18-22 June 2024 in Malang, East Java. The ToT participants were representatives of the KAN Jabung cooperative, Rukun Santosa, Setia Kawan, and participants from local assistants. 

Pelatihan untuk Pelatih Literasi Keuangan dan Bisnis Peternak Sapi Perah

ToT activities were actively participated in by participants, especially in demo sessions given by facilitators and micro-teaching sessions. Participants can try hands-on practice providing material on financial and business management. Alumni from ToT will later collaborate with YRE and local assistants to assist breeders in implementing financial and business management. The hope is that through this ToT, awareness, and behavior changes will begin to arise, especially among breeders regarding their financial and business management

26 June 2024