Training for Trainers on Good Dairy Farming Practices for the Rukun Santoso Cooperative in East Java

Pelatihan untuk Pelatih Praktik Peternakan Sapi Perah yang Baik bagi Koperasi Rukun Santoso di Jawa Timur

Good Dairy Farming Practices (GDFP) training activities were held for three days in Kediri, East Java, precisely at the home of Mr. Wahono, a dairy farmer member of the Rukun Santoso Cooperative. 

Before implementing the training, a mapping of needs and potential in the field is first carried out. If in the previous training series participants learned about biogas renewable energy technology and financial management, this training activity focuses on good and correct maintenance of cattle including feed management, good milk handling, animal health, and artificial insemination. YRE involved three experts from UGM and IPB as resource persons in the implementation of this GDFP training, namely Dr. Joko Susilo, Dr., M. Si, and Dr. Ir. Afton Atabany M.Si who was accompanied by Gatot Muslim, S.Pt, M.Si. 

In this training, participants were not only given theoretical knowledge but also had direct visits to the breeder’s cow pen. The visit was carried out so that the material provided remained relevant to problems in the field, and not too abstract. The visit was also carried out by the YRE team together with Dr. Joko, who goes to the breeder’s pen after each training activity is completed to check the cows, especially regarding reproductive issues which always come up in discussions during training. 

It is hoped that this GDFP training can increase farmers’ capacity in good dairy farming practices so that it will increase the production and quality of the cow’s milk produced. 

Written by: Muhammad Ilham 

Edited by: Fauzan Ramadhan 

22 July 2024