Expanding Green Jobs to Village Communities through Biogas and Bio-slurry Promoter Training

The climate crisis that is hitting the world is one of the major challenges we are facing today. Therefore, we all need to take real action to respond to it. One is switching from fossil fuels to environmentally friendly renewable energy. Along with that, environmentally friendly jobs or Green Jobs also need to be intensified at all levels of society to prepare for the transition process, including in village communities or at the grassroots level.
Rumah Energi held a training activity for biogas and bio-slurry promoters in October 2024. The training is part of the implementation of the Independent Energy Village (DEB) Program of PT. Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) in collaboration with Rumah Energi. This collaboration is an implementation of the Social and Environmental Responsibility Program (TJSL) located in Muktisari Village, Tapung District, Tampar Regency.
The Head of Muktisari Village, Waryono, in his speech, invited his residents to work together to optimize the potential of biogas and the use of bio-slurry, “Let’s make Muktisari an example for other villages, by working together, we can achieve energy independence, increase the production of Liquid Organic Fertilizer (POC) and Solid Organic Fertilizer (POP) so that we can improve the village economy,” he said.
The training was guided directly by Supriyanto, Field Officer of Rumah Energi. He provided an in-depth understanding of biogas and bio-slurry to the participants. The training was delivered comprehensively starting from the role of the community in the energy transition, organic waste management, to marketing strategies for biogas derivative products.
In the question and answer session, the participants seemed very enthusiastic about asking questions. Starting from how to process bio-slurry, and the dosage of liquid organic fertilizer, to the mechanism for obtaining subsidies for the construction of biogas reactors. These questions show the high interest of residents to learn and develop knowledge about renewable energy and sustainable agriculture.
Through this training, it is expected that participants will be able to play a role in expanding the reach of renewable energy utilization of biogas. In addition, green jobs are also expected to be realized in rural communities by optimizing the knowledge that has been obtained, by becoming promoters or Construction Partner Organizations.
Written by: BIRU Team
Edited by: Fauzan Ramadhan