Press Release: 12 Years of Realizing Indonesia's Resilient in Energy and Food

In this modern era, the world community faces various challenges in energy and food security. Climate change that changes many life cycles, increasingly limited resources, and global economic instability further strengthen the urgency to create a resilient society that can survive and has the leverage to rise in the face of challenges and crises. This is the kind of society that Rumah Energi has been working towards for the past 12 years.
Since its founding on November 19, 2012, Rumah Energi has focused on empowering rural communities by constructing home biogas installations. Biogas is a renewable energy technology that is very close to the community because its raw materials come from organic waste such as livestock manure, organic waste in the market, to leftover food waste at home. With raw materials that are easy to obtain, biogas is an effective alternative energy for rural communities, especially for those who work as farmers and ranchers.
To date, 29,456 home biogas installations have been built in 20 provinces in Indonesia, with a total number of beneficiaries reaching 149,701 people. The biogas derivative product, namely bio-slurry (biogas dregs), can also be used as a natural fertilizer for agriculture. It is recorded that 28,668 farmers have also received training in the application of sustainable agriculture, one of which is by applying bio-slurry to their agricultural land. Not only that, the presence of biogas has also opened up green jobs with the presence of construction partners, namely groups of workers who have been trained by Rumah Energi. A total of 1,297 workers have received training in building biogas.
The presence of home biogas carried by Rumah Energi has had a positive impact on the lives of rural communities. Starting from savings on expenses for buying gas, maintaining the cleanliness of pens so that livestock are healthier, replacing the use of firewood, to the use of bio-slurry for agriculture. More than just energy, biogas is a catalyst for change for tens of thousands of farmers. Bio-slurry used as a natural fertilizer can increase crop yields so that the family economy thrives and environmental sustainability is better maintained.
Executive Director of Rumah Energi, Sumanda Tondang, said that biogas is an effective solution to improve the welfare of rural communities, “For the past 12 years, Rumah Energi has been fully committed to empowering rural communities through the use of renewable energy. Biogas has proven itself as an effective solution to improve the welfare of rural communities. More than just energy, biogas has become a catalyst for change in various aspects of people’s lives, from agriculture to the economy. The achievements we have achieved today cannot be separated from the support and collaboration with various parties. I want to express my deepest gratitude to all partners, donors, government, and the community who have worked together to realize our dreams. In the future, I hope we can continue to synergize through the #IndonesiaBerdaya movement to expand access to clean energy and support empowered rural communities.” Sumanda said.
In 2018, Rumah Energi began to expand its scope of work through the Business Incubation and Water Conservation programs. Since 2022, Rumah Energi has also been actively encouraging cooperatives to become agents of change in climate financing through the Green Cooperative movement. As we know, most cooperative members are rural communities who work as farmers and ranchers, sectors that are greatly impacted by climate change. Rumah Energi realizes that cooperatives have great potential to be catalysts in climate change mitigation and adaptation. Through the Green Cooperative, it is hoped that cooperatives can access and mobilize climate financing for renewable energy development and support sustainable agricultural practices.
In its 12th year, Rumah Energi invites you to contribute to providing access to clean energy and sustainable food for rural communities through the #IndonesiaBerdaya movement. Through this movement, together we help rural communities gain access to renewable energy from household biogas, and the use of bio-slurry as a natural fertilizer that supports sustainable agriculture. Visit the website to provideĀ support.