Responding to the Early Retirement Plan of the Pelabuhan Ratu Power Plant through Pro-Women 3

Presidential Regulation (PP) Number 112 of 2022 concerning the Acceleration of Renewable Energy Development for Electricity Supply states that early retirement is targeted to be completed in 2050. Indonesia’s joining in efforts to accelerate and strengthen carbon emission reduction through the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) funding mechanism strengthens this.
In line with this, Rumah Energi, through the Pro-Women 3 project, seeks to ensure that female workers affected by early retirement at the Pelabuhan Ratu PLTU have the same rights and that there is a clear and open scheme for the early retirement process of the Pelabuhan Ratu PLTU, which impacts female workers and the surrounding environment.
To support the project’s achievements, Rumah Energi has begun mapping several stakeholders to gather strength and support to be able to provide empowerment for female workers affected by the early retirement plan of the Pelabuhan Ratu PLTU. Rumah Energi held an audience meeting with the Sukabumi Regency Government, at the Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection Service (DP3A) represented by Drs. H. Eki Radiana Rizki, M.Si as Head of DP3A. From this meeting, various opportunities for collaboration and synchronization were found between priority programs currently being worked on by the government with the main vision of the Pro-Women 3 project.
He explained that the Regent of Sukabumi Regency is currently prioritizing a program called Great Women for Quality Families (Perahu Kertas). This program is a women’s empowerment program in the fields of education, health, and economy that has been running in 39 sub-districts and from 47 sub-districts, including the Ring 1 area of the Pelabuhan Ratu District PLTU, since 2022. It is hoped that women in Sukabumi Regency will become great and empowered.
The presence of Prowomen-3 can provide renewal and innovation to the training and mentoring in the area. Pro-Women 3 itself is part of a continuous project with the previous project, namely Pro-Women 2, which focuses on building the active role of the community together with stakeholders in the process of accelerating the transition to renewable energy that is responsive, gender-based, and equitable.
Written by: Jenni Irene Connie
Edited by: Fauzan Ramadhan