Sukabumi Regency Government Ready to Support Pro-Women Implementation

Sukabumi Regency Regional Secretary H. Ade Suryaman SH., MM stated that he is ready to support Pro-Women activities in Sukabumi Regency. Mr. Ade Suryaman directed that the government is greatly helped by coaching activities for local communities, especially in the areas of gender, energy, UMKM, environment, and cooperatives, which are the basic pillars for advancing the community’s economy.
Specifically regarding gender, the Sukabumi Regent issued a Regent Regulation (Perbup) in 2019 concerning guidelines for implementing gender mainstreaming, which emphasizes that regional governments are required to formulate gender-responsive development policies, programs, and activities that are outlined in the Regional Medium-Term Development Plan, Regional Apparatus Strategic Plan, and Regional Apparatus Work Plan. One of the objectives of the guidelines for implementing these regulations is to increase equality and justice in the population, and the roles and responsibilities of men and women as human beings from development resources. Derivative of the regulation, Sukabumi Regency has a gender analysis team through government apparatus/POKJA which is tasked with identifying the gap between men and women in obtaining benefits from development policies and programs, compiling steps in realizing fair equality, determining indicators for each of these efforts.
In a discussion with Rumah Energi in early December, Mr. Ade Suryaman instructed the Sukabumi Regency Research and Development Agency to align the vision and mission of both parties and calculate the funding needed for this collaboration. In addition, the strategic collaboration also needs to be established with the Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection Service (PPPA Service) regarding macro data from the Gender Analysis two years ago which was compiled by the Regional Working Group as a reference for describing the root of the problem and macro issues that occur in the field. Additional information is that most workers at the Pelabuhan Ratu PLTU are men, and the issues that arise are the welfare of fishermen and the environment which is getting worse due to waste pollution.
The Sukabumi Regency Government is also open if there is an opportunity for an agricultural program because currently the agricultural service and the Pelabuhan Ratu PLTU are raising an Organic Fertilizer program based on rice husks and sawdust from wood waste carried by sea currents, as well as a joint program with the Ministry of Agriculture through the Millennial Farmer Generation. The hope is that many elements and activities can be involved together by both parties to improve the welfare of the community, especially women, as well as efforts to preserve the environment and energy security to create an Empowered Indonesia.
Written by: Jenni Irene Connie
Edited by: Fauzan Ramadhan