Exploring the Potential of Green Jobs for the Young Generation of Villages

In the era of globalization and increasingly felt climate change, the younger generation needs to have skills and knowledge that are relevant to the demands of the times. Green jobs are one solution to creating a sustainable future. To realize this, Rumah Energi supported by PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) through the Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) program held green jobs training for village youth in Bangko Permata and Bangko Jaya, Bangko Pusaka District, Rokan Hilir Regency, Riau Province. 

The initial stage of the Green Jobs training was attended by 31 participants who were young men and women from Bangko Jaya and Bangko Permata villages. The training activity which was held on January 30, 2025, was the initial stage of a series of activities that will take place throughout 2025. The purpose of this training is to equip village youth with knowledge and skills in the field of renewable energy and environmental management so that it is hoped that they can become agents of change in their communities. 


Training Implementation 

Participants were first invited to understand the great potential of abundant natural resources in Bangko Jaya and Bangko Permata villages. This process is very important for awareness that each region has its uniqueness and potential that can be developed. Furthermore, a session on the presentation of material on the potential of green jobs on a community scale was given by the Communication and Campaign Manager of Koaksi Indonesia, Fitriani Sofyan familiarly called Kak Tia. She explained how green jobs are jobs that will be needed in the future, and contribute to a more sustainable earth. The participants also actively discussed and exchanged ideas on how to utilize these natural resources to create clean and independent energy. 

Furthermore, the training focused on waste management presented by the Environmental Service of Rokan Hilir Regency, H. Khoirul Amri, ST, M.Si. The participants were given perspectives on composting techniques, plastic recycling, and various ways to turn waste into products of economic value. They were also invited to think creatively and innovatively in creating solutions to the waste problem in their village. The training focused on agricultural practices that prioritize sustainability. Participants also learned about oil palm intercropping which is the main commodity in their village. In this case, Jusrian Saubara from Arconesia as a speaker provided new knowledge about oil palm intercropping with watermelon, dryland rice, and corn. Not only that but information was also shared about partners who are ready to accommodate the harvest and market, as well as advantages in the economic sector of products with economic value. 


Creative Ideas to Implement 

The peak of this training is the challenge to find ideas and design green job projects that will be implemented in the village. Participants are divided into small groups and discuss how to produce innovative and sustainable project ideas that will have an impact on the environment and the economy. Then they will present their ideas in front of experts and representatives from PT PHR and Rumah Energi as judges. Participants must be able to convince all parties that their project is worthy of being supported and implemented. 

This first stage of training is the first step in a long journey. Participants not only gain knowledge and skills but also foster a spirit of cooperation and the belief that they can change their village for the better. This TJSL program is expected to create green jobs, increase community income, and create independent, sustainable, and environmentally friendly villages. 


Written by: Theo M. Putra 

Edited by: Fauzan Ramadhan 

10 February 2025